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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's All "Good"

When one of my horses is learning a task--even something as simple as tipping their nose in response to halter pressure I reward the smallest "try" at first and then ask for a little more each time.  And each time I reward with release of pressure I say the same word.  For me, the word is "good".  The word becomes associated with the reward and this can be very helpful.  Then when the horse is looking for the right answer, the word "good" lets them know they're on the right track.  Sort of like the childhood game of "you're getting hot" that meant "you're close."   If you're consistent with this, the horse will know when they're doing what you want even if you can't reward them another way--such as when they're at liberty.   I haven't really studied "clicker training", but I think the concept is the same.  A certain sound or word means "that's what I want!"   This works especially well with horses on the ground, but it works under saddle too.  The key is to assoicate the word with the release at first and later it can almost substitute for a reward or release in situations where you're asking for a better response, letting them know they're on the right track before actually rewarding or releasing.

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